OLYMPICS/ Japan's Kitaguchi secures javelin gold with opening throw_イケパラ 配信
OLYMPICS/ Japan's Kitaguchi secures javelin gold with opening throw
August 11,イケパラ 配信 2024 at 10:10 JST
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Gold medallist Haruka Kitaguchi of Japan celebrates on the podium with her medal in Saint-Denis, France on Aug. 10 (REUTERS/Aleksandra Szmigiel)
PARIS--Haruka Kitaguchi won the women's javelin on Saturday with her first throw of 65.80 metres to earn Japan's first gold medal in the event.
South Africa's Jo-Ane van Dyk and Czech Republic's Nikola Ogrodnikova made valiant efforts to overhaul her but never came close as they took silver and bronze with throws of 63.93 and 63.68.
Last year Kitaguchi needed her final throw to take the world gold in Budapest, but there was little suspense at the Stade de France as she started with her best throw of the season.
"I cannot believe this. This wasn't easy for me. Before, I couldn't train well, but my physio and my team believed in me. Without their help, I cannot get gold today," she told reporters.
"Actually, my training throw wasn't good. It was too much. But this time, I can throw 65.80, so for me, really good."
Kitaguchi smiled broadly after her opening throw but was left frustrated as her second attempt was 62.39 and she fouled on her third.
Ogrodnikova briefly had control of second place with her third throw but Van Dyk overtook her immediately, and Rio winner Sara Kolak (63.40) of Croatia clapped her hands with frustration after her final attempt as she finished fourth.
With the gold wrapped up, Kitaguchi bounced nervously at the end of the runway and kept a poker face as she launched a final bonus effort.
The emotion came quickly thereafter, as she burst into tears and hugged her team with the Japan flag draped over her before ringing the victory bell for her country's first athletics medal of the Paris Games.
The title was a sweet reward after years of sacrifice, as Kitaguchi uprooted her life in 2019 to train in the Czech Republic.
"I have to train in Czechia because there are amazing athletes there," the Diamond League champion said.
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